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What is Shopify?

Shopify is a commonplace term heard in business circles and one may sometimes wonder what is Shopify? Shopify is among the most common eCommerce platforms, using which, anyone can set up an online store and sell products. When using Shopify, merchants also have a choice at selling their products in person by using Shopify POS.

One of the key reasons that stand behind Shopify’s success is the platform’s versatility. Shopify allows merchants to sell online, in-store, or over social media. It is a highly customer-oriented platform and aims at making eCommerce easier for merchants and end customers alike. Shopify enjoys widespread global coverage, and as of current, merchants from over 175 countries can sell over Shopify.

One can sell physical products or digital products such as ebooks over Shopify. One can also get rentals or ticketed experiences, or book or buy memberships, classes, lessons, services, or consultations over Shopify.

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